Sextet Sounds: A Conversation With Evan Bird, Guitarist of Diarrhea Planet

The first sentence of Diarrhea Planet's bio answers the burning question of band title, no pun intended: “'What's in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet.'" But apprehensive listeners can be well ensured—this name is in no way suggestive of the quality of music.

Loose Allure: A Conversation With Illustrator Dominic Kesterton

Most often, What you see is what you get is an unnerving concept; unless it’s in reference to artist Dominic Kesterton, in which case, it’s a delightful surprise. Bold and fervent, Kesterton manifests in each of his illustrations and publications as the unfiltered creator, offering himself and his craft in even unison.

Bless This Mesh: A Screen Printing Show

Helen Popinchalk and James Weinberg are the kind of people that get excited when thinking about fluorescent paint and 140lb White French Construction paper.

Embellished to Life: A Conversation With Illustrator Bill Rebholz

At any given moment, on any given day, you can find illustrator Bill Rebholz huddled over his desk, sketching long-legged gentlemen gripping their oblong belongings. He draws simplicities sans simplicity, exaggerating all interactions, aspects and ratios to parade the detailed oddities of life.

Amadeus Issue 04 Release

Here we are, one year and four issues later. Things happen fast in one year, and since our modest, 40-page, saddle-stitched first issue, we’ve created a new kin... Read More...