With a shaggy ‘do and rainbow-striped suspenders, Robin Williams drove an egg-shaped craft into America’s oversized TV sets and overindulgent hearts as Mork of Mork and Mindy in 1978. With a stiff alien accent and that innocent, jovial smirk, he learned through his literal mistakes, pushing buttons and splitting sides as the strangest, most manic of not-so-little-or-green men the 70’s had yet to see.

Sent to observe human behavior, Mork mimicked the masses with hysterically ignorant and well-played social digs as a means of understanding the backwards society he had entered—all warranted behavior given Mindy’s bangs, if you ask us.

With that same wild improvisational sense, Robin Williams never stopped making the best of questionable people and places with his incredible talent and magnetic personality, making erratic folly a necessity and a means of spreading good vibes.

In a world full of hate, hurt and dimness, Mork — and, of course Williams, the backbone of stimulating hilarity as we know it — found a funny goodness where very little can be found. Nanu nanu and peace to you, Robin Williams. To nonsensical lightheartedness, wherever it comes from.
