trifecta editions

Bless This Mesh: A Screen Printing Show

Helen Popinchalk and James Weinberg are the kind of people that get excited when thinking about fluorescent paint and 140lb White French Construction paper.

Amadeus Magazine Issue 02 Release Party

We’re excited to announce the release of our second issue of our quarterly print magazine, Amadeus. We’re excited to share the things we see while we hang around our friends’ studios, interviewing, writing, and producing our own publication; one that shares not only our thoughts and ideas, but those of the wildly talented artists, musicians and creators that grace our magazine’s pages.

Video Preview | Trifecta: Year One Pop Up Arts Event

Trifecta Editions’ inaugural arts and culture event, Trifecta: Year One, which will begin today at Boston’s Fourth Wall Project and run through Sunday is a four-day event, created to celebrate the creative community that Trifecta has tapped into over its first year in business, and is intensely programmed with a group exhibition, live painting and drawing, artist talks, presentations and panels, skillshare sessions, live music performances, exclusive print releases and a Trifecta Editions pop-up shop.