Art serves many purposes — a form of therapy, of ritual, of commentary. For artist Tara Booth art constitutes a means to remain sane and deal with insecurity directly.
Some artists get so caught up in pleasing the masses that their work starts to deteriorate from its true self. Kyle Falzone doesn’t work to appeal to the masses. He works for himself and no one else.
Artwork riddled with political insights and innuendos, Eric Kenney, also known as Heavy Slime, has his own way of seeing things in this tumultuous world.
Drawing from her personal stream of consciousness, while still referencing indigenous cultures, fables, and fairytales, Chau’s work explores symbolism, as well as solutions to the devastating and irreverent conditions of our world.
“Music is art,” states Indiana-based designer, Aaron Lowell Denton, who never envisioned art and design as a career path, but rather a means to further express his longtime love for music.
Incorporating a look and feel that connotes the visual essence of the legendary Joan Miró, Zebu’s Jazz-like colors and compositions provide a much-needed smile in today’s crazy world.