Sitting at Bijou Karman's dining room table, eagerly eyeballing all of her strategically placed knick-knacks and personal works of wall art, I resist the urge to blurt out, “RIHANNA! Tell me about working with Rihanna!”
Positive body image, cooperative artwork and green, leafy flora: these are the ingredients for a great America .It was over a decade ago that Isaac Nichols co-hatched Group Partner with communal, shop-local intent.
Hey, Philly: How about a lesson in perspective? Artist Scott Albrecht isn’t interested in the moving parts that sway them, those stimulating variables we unwittingly absorb; he’s interested in how we exert them as members of a sentient community.
Endurance is a learned trait, and it's a characteristic that Brooklyn-based artist Ramsey Chahine knew he wanted in his life, and devoted the entire year of 2016 to learning and achieving.
During a studio visit with Brian Lotti, we got to talking about Los Angeles' changing landscape and how his undying connection to the streets informs his work.
With its sugary pastel tones and dreamy gradients, Maxwell McMaster's work is nostalgic but with a clean, contemporary edge that creates delicate details that shine when the painting is complete.
We caught up with issue 09 covergirl Natasha Lillipore at her home in Orange County to discuss her multidisciplinary career, thoughts on social media, beauty, race, and love.